Groove with Gonggong ~ 23 May 2020

So with the COVID-19 thing, a few of our astrological signsakes have chimed in, regarding pandemic messaging. For instance, Virgo says referencing the need for compulsive hand washing: “See, told you.” And for social distancing, Aquarius dryly replies, “See, told you.” Well, there’s that.

In seeking optimism ahead beyond quarantines, restrictions, promises of vaccines, and the lack of sports and astrology conferences, there is December’s awesome conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. However, many dismiss the collective Jupiter-Saturn conjunction for being too impersonal, and not necessarily ringing up their chart.

Fine. Here’s two transits for everyone from the grand, gaseous giants to one of the transcendentally-intended dwarf planets out there in that yonder Kuiper Belt. Pretty much everyone will have transits from Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius (with old timers feeling this now while the large planets rummage the remains of Capricorn over the next months) to their natal Gonggong in 2021 continuing on into 2022. You know, Gonggong, the newly named dwarf planet with the moniker from China. Gonggong is quite substantial by size, and attracted the attention of astronomers immediately following his discovery for various peculiarities.

So what does Gonggong mean and how can one groove to it? Consider two themes derived from the orbital elements of the planet:


The first message can be derived from the planet’s heliocentric North Node. This intersects the ecliptic at 6 Pisces 51. It is the intention, the aspiration and the dharma of Gonggong to demonstrate clear compassion for all regardless of life circumstances whether created or inherited. Not sympathy mind you, but within the “walk a mile in the other person’s footwear” concept that renders an appreciation for the plight or progress of others, as well as feeling the inspiration to aid and abet their aspirations, given the aid is gratefully received and applied.

The second message can be extracted from the planet’s perihelion - its closest point of contact to the Sun within its orbit. Gonggong’s perihelion weighs in at heliocentric 4 Libra 23. This solar connection aligns with the supermassive black hole that is the Super Galactic Center. When tuning into the strength of Gonggong, the results likely attract a crowd - not exactly what is needed in a pandemic - but that’s what online video interaction is for. Gonggong’s popularity is fanned by the underlying somewhat polarized desire to be equitable toward all people and creatures and to emphasize win-win consciousness instead of zero-sum scenarios. That is a contagious message... in a good way.

A quincunx exists between Gonggong’s node and perihelion. The inherent adjustment implied by a quincunx recommends while being tuned in for what others need, ensure you do not sacrifice yourself or your needs to the point of compromise or victimization. Realize that when sharing your greatest attributes with others, “meh” could come back as the response. Regardless, press forward undaunted. There will always be critics and indifference to talent and skill.

Back in March 1939 Gonggong first entered Aquarius. After a brief return to Capricorn, he returned to Aquarius in late December 1939. As of 1 January, 0 hour GMT, here’s where Gonggong transited at the start of our recent decades:

> 1940: 00 Aquarius 45

> 1950: 06 Aquarius 33

> 1960: 11 Aquarius 36

> 1970: 16 Aquarius 07

> 1980: 20 Aquarius 10

> 1990: 23 Aquarius 53

> 2000: 27 Aquarius 18

In April 2005 Gonggong inched into Pisces and between then and January 2008, he dipped back into the waters of Aquarius three times, before formally immigrating across the border to Pisces.

Within months, as Jupiter and Saturn finish up with their retrogrades in Capricorn, they turn toward Aquarius, promising opportunity and structured reform in all matters Aquarius. And they will conjoin the natal Gonggong of all occupants of Earth whether in Capricorn or Aquarius.

So how about a mythological look at Gonggong? To amalgamate a handful of sources online,

Gonggong is a water god, perhaps well-suited for natal placement in Aquarius and its current transit in Pisces. He is described as sporting red or copper hair on a human head (and sometimes torso) upon the body or tail of a serpent, or a black snake. Gonggong possessed a knack for conjuring chaos and catastrophe. In all accounts he did battle with another primary deity, likely the fire god, Zhurong. In this battle his head crashed into the cosmos, creating a hole in the sky that disrupted the Sun, which tilted and cracked the Earth and caused the redirection of rivers Water and fire surged. Those that were not drowned, burned. Finally, Gonggong was defeated. Gonggong was either killed or cast into exile (the ultimate quarantine) depending upon the particular tale.

Like Eris, Gonggong traveled with dubious companions. In Gonggong’s case he was oft accompanied by his minister, Xiangliu, who is now the namesake of Gonggong’s currently confirmed satellite body or moon. Xiangliu, a nine-head poisonous snake monster, also possesses a knack for flooding and destruction.

As a result of these tales, Gonggong is responsible for any irregularity of weather or light (Sun) and the axial tilt of the earth and the resulting precession of the zodiac, seasonal influences as well as the odd (south) eastern flow of rivers in China. With Xiangliu, he has a hand in flooding.

Okay, I hear some folks out there. It’s a little like hearing about a new COVID-19 remedy, antidote or vaccine. Does it really work? Is it a painless process?

This past week Mars aligned with Gonggong in Pisces. In the highly virus-infected State of Michigan two dams predicted by engineers as likely-to-fail lived up to the prophecy following intense rainfall. The dams failed and gave way sending 10K people in stay-at-home mode to flee their homes and find refuge in high school gymnasiums on cots socially-distanced. Life in the real world imitates the heavens, in this instance, specifically the stimulation of Gonggong by Mars.

Great, another god to follow astrologically who bears a dubious and destructive reputation. True. And like we did with Pluto, we figured and fomented means to apply the nature of the planet for purposes of progress, redemption and spiritual evolution. The same agenda benefits Gonggong.

What to do with the transit of Jupiter to your natal Gonggong?

Locate any perceived holes in the psyche within that cause off kilter behavior, need to reset to personal dharma axis. In navigation, there’s true bearing of north... which does magnetically vary a bit over time. There’s also relative bearing which is the 0 degree reference of the direction one (or a ship or aircraft) currently heads. The direction you head stands as your personal north... perceived as an idealized course... as if following a (lode) star. Then again, everyone has a relative heading where they are in life, whether staying at home, performing as an essential worker or exercising the right of personal freedom. So, as you pursue your relative heading, work not to impose that direction onto the karma compass of others. Offer suggestions for improvement, enhancement and getting on better with others. Such remedies, though, cannot be forced down the gullets of others. There is the tricky point of what if your personal course (liberty, independent streak) causes potential harm to mine? Expect this to be litigated and legislated with December’s Jupiter-Saturn tango.

What to do with the transit of Saturn to your natal Gonggong?

Notice where you lean or tilt. Is the lean stabilizing or unstabilizing? Set your posture for ultimate balance and centeredness. Notice if you tilt your head when responding to others. Realign perception to permit pure compassion and empathy, not sympathy. Create plans of inclusiveness and work to aid and resurrect those who are less fortunate. This is a transit in Aquarius - why not perceive it as your personal acceptance of the Age of Aquarius? Become one of those evolved souls and behave as if you already engage life from the high road point of view presumed to the epitome of Aquarian evolution. What if it’s you who figures out how to rectify a situation that has buggered humankind since the virtual beginning of time. This could be something to Zoom about, and more, to dedicate yourself to pursuing. Find how you can personally inch the planet along into a better place.